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What I need to know

before booking

Before scheduling your microblading appointment, here's what you need to know.

You must be 18 years or older and consent to the service.

To expedite your service please fill out the waiver form(s).



Hair strokes WILL appear crisp, darker and bold at first, but will soften up in appearance as the tissue heals. The area will shed taking some color with it this is normal. The area will begin to oxidize and darken over the 1st month.  Its important to start with a slightly darker color as it will fade after it heals. 


Everyone’s skin heals differently and most clients develop patchy areas or the appearance of fading after the first treatment.  It is important to understand that this is a two part process and the second touch up treatment will complete the procedure and, after healing, you will see the finished result. 


You will be given a guidance on how to care for your brows during the initial healing period, this includes:


*No Sun Beds

*No Sweating in the gym

*No Sauna

*No Makeup on the brow area

*No Anti Aging creams on the brow area..

*Do not pick scabs if any appear.

*Do not itch the brow area or pull the scabs away.

*Leave brow area alone and let them heal totally for at least 10 days.

*Avoid getting eyebrows wet or soaked in water.



Some residual swelling is normal for ALL procedures. 

The area may appear uneven, dry, itchy, tender, red & irritated. This is all 100% normal.  DO NOT PICK.   These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis. 

Color WILL fade/soften anywhere from 40% to 60%.  At the touch up we will fine tune any area that has faded too much.  Healing is specific to each client.  It is important to realize that you will need a color boost every 2 yrs to maintain it's fresh natural appearance.  Fading will happen after each procedure.  We do not have control over your bodies healing process.  You may need to powder and/or pencil even after the healed results.  This is an enhancement to your natural brows not a permanent one.


AfterCare during the 10 Day healing period:


Laser removal of the eyebrows or old PMU will cause more scar tissue.   This can cause the pigment to fade prematurely or look blurry.   There is also a chance that the pigment won't take at all.  An appointment is required determine if you are a good candidate upon reviewing your pictures after the removal process is complete. 




You will need to return for your touch up treatment no later than  4-6 weeks after the first treatment.


NOTE: If you are required to be on antibiotics prior to the procedure please bring a doctors note


Laser Removal and old PMU


If you bleach your eyebrows, it is recommended not to have this procedure done.  The chemicals will bleach the hair & the pigment as well.





No chemical peels 60 days prior and must wait 60 days after

 (avoiding the forehead is recommended)


IF YOU DO FREQUENT PEELS, THE BROWS WILL FADE QUICKER DUE TO  Retinols/Retin-A's, other anti-aging creams or serums containing acids will fade your permanent makeup prematurely EVEN AFTER IT IS HEALED.


Smoking will cause the pigment to fade prematurely and anesthetics will not last as long.



You are not a good candidate if you have very LARGE pores or Severely Oily Skin.  Your results will appear softer/solid or powdered looking.


Do not take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure.  Tylenol is fine.


PERMANENT MAKEUP & MICROBLADING WILL NOT BE PERFORMED IF YOU ARE PREGNANT.  If you are nursing you may get the procedure but anesthesia cannot be applied to the skin. 

You have to be off Accutane for 1 year

Avoid alcohol or caffeine the day before & prior to the procedure, this will minimize any oozing/bleeding or swelling after the procedure.

Getting a procedure while on your menstrual cycle can make you hyper-sensitive at the procedure site.

Can I wear makeup to my appointment?  Yes! it is okay to wear makeup the day of your procedure.  I will clean and sanitize your skin prior to working on the skin. 

You DO NOT have to pluck, wax or tweeze your brows prior to your procedure.  The hairier it is the better! 


Some residual swelling is normal for ALL procedures.
The area may appear uneven, dry, itchy, tender, red & irritated. This is all 100% normal.  DO NOT PICK.   These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis. 
Color WILL fade/soften anywhere from 40% to 60%.  At the touch up we will fine tune any area that has faded too much.  Healing is specific to each client.  It is important to realize that you will need a color boost every 1-2 yrs to maintain it's fresh natural appearance.  Fading will happen after each procedure.  We do not have control over your bodies healing process.  You may need to powder and/or pencil even after the healed results.  This is an enhancement to your natural brows not a permanent one.
If they fade more than you like, it is ok to pencil or powder until your scheduled appt. This is an enhancement and will NEVER BE A PERMANENT SOLUTION. 

Permanent Makeup is an art, NOT a science.  Clients results will vary and using a pencil or powder may still be needed.  We have no control over your bodies healing process and each time a procedure is done, the pigment will have less retention due to scar tissue.

Remember, no two sides of the face are the same.  Perfection is our goal but brows are sisters, not twins.
Absolutely No Water on them, Sun, Sweating, Exercise or Exertion of any kind prior to the procedure or after the procedure for 10 days. NO SUN 30 DAYS PRIOR & 30 DAYS AFTER THE PROCEDURE. 1 DAY WILL RUIN THE RESULTS IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE 10 DAY AFTERCARE PROTOCOL.  

Do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat expands the pores. It is recommended not to sweat (heavily) for the first 10-14 days after the procedure. Sweat is salt and WILL prematurely fade, blur or cause the pigment not to take at all.  

Avoid direct shower water on the treated area after the procedure. Apply the product given to you prior to showering to prevent soaps and shampoos from getting on the treated area, then gently wipe it off.  Absolutely NOTHING on the treated hot water, no makeup, lotions, pencil....etc. for 10 to14 days....Avoid scrubbing the treated area for at least 1 month.

© 2018 by @theFranFine

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